Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Monday, March 22, 2010

(21st) Rotoprone...Visitors/Family

UPMC Montefiore TICU
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hospital Count Days: 24

/\/\/\GOING FOR A RIDE/\/\/\

During the night, my oxygen levels dropped into the mid-80's. The doctors tried adjusting my ventilator settings to bring me back to the 90's but were unsuccessful. They ended up suctioning a bunch o' fluid and gunk out o' my right lung and put me in a rotoprone. A rotoprone is a special bed that rotates me back and forth while being on my belly. The motion helps my lungs and and blood vessels absorb more oxygen. At 6:00 AM on Sunday, the doctor called Ace and woke him up to tell him the news. It was not the wake-up call that he wanted to get. He immediately got up and came to see me.

This is what Ace saw when he entered the room.

Believe it or not, I'm in there somewhere.

In the center o' the picture you can see the back o' my right shoulder.

There I am. Snug as a bug.

I hope somebody read this.

/\/\/\LOT'S O' VISITORS/\/\/\

Sunday brought a lot o' visitors. I just wish I had been awake to see them all. But I know Ace was encouraged to see so many people willing to make the trip to see me.

My first visitor was my lil' sis Ashley. She came down with her mom and Joyce Brubaker. I'm so glad she got to see me and that she had such a positive attitude. She knows that's just how I would want her to be.

You didn't think a little medically induced coma would stop me from getting a feet picture did you?

When the nurse tried to flip me back over to start rotating again there was a little problem. Apparently, whoever set-up the bed did it wrong and burned up the motor. Pap always said that if something was broke, I must o' touched it. Now we had to wait for them to bring a new bed. Until then, they put me back in a regular bed. This made it nice for all my visitors, since now they would be able see more than just my nose and toes.


Uncle Chucky, Aunt Tammy, and Dougie

Rose Hinkle and Johnny

Jesse and Addison

Even Dad!!

Dad Finnegan telling fish stories.

Still waiting for my new bed.

Mom Finnegan kept me company.

Lots and lots o' tubes and sensors.

The fluids make me a lil' puffy.

But it's still a perfect fit!!

Finally, my new bed arrives...still in the packaging. Hopefully, we won't even need it.

/\/\/\THE END/\/\/\

1 comment:

  1. wow...check out that bed...
    Adam...you are doing such a nice job on the blog! Jill will love the foot picture..her little toes sticking out are so cute. She will also love seeing the pictures of all the family and friends that came to visit her even while she was fast asleep. We are praying, praying, praying. love you both!
