Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wednesday (Day 20)

UPMC Montefiore N1262
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

/\/\/\Medical Stuff/\/\/\

Wednesday was a very action-packed day. Between visitors and health issues, by the end o' the day everyone was ready for a nap. The day started out like most other days with a morning check-up from my nurse for the day.

Nurse Jen

Then my surgeons came in to check on their handy-work. So far everything seems to be going as planned. Dr. A. James Moser, surgical oncologist, performed the procedure while Dr. K. Tri Nguyen, surgical fellow, assisted. They did a pretty good job considering they did the procedure at 2:00 in the morning.

Dr. Moser...Me...Dr.Nguyen

/\/\/\Fun Time/\/\/\

The first to arrive were Bethany & Emily Howell. We haven't seen each other in so long. Too bad I had to go into the hospital for us to get together again. They were nice enough to bring me some presents to...too bad I didn't take a picture of them.


Silly Faces!!

Us pretending we all took some "good" medicine.

Just when I thought things couldn't get anymore exciting, I got more visitors. Steve and Stephanie Fisher came bearing goodies. Today is Ace and I's two year anniversary o' being together. It's been a long two years, but we've been able to get through everything easier by having each other to love.


2 Year Anniversary Cake...Chocolate for Ace...Irish for Me

Friends are always wonderful, but nothing is better than family.

Caden reading a book to us.
(Note his legs are crossed, he always reads with his legs crossed)

"Caden, you're more than welcome to push my pain button."

Hangin' out with Stephanie...

And Steve to.

Everyone has been so generous with gifts. Here is a Willow Tree "Angel of Healing" and some other things that Jim and Barb Green got us.
Thanks Guys!!

I guess that's enough excitement for one day. We should all take a lesson from Caden and have a little nap.

/\/\/\But Wait.../\/\/\

During a routine vital's check during the day my blood pressure was really low and my temperature was really high. The Nurse's Aid called the Nurse in and she decided to call a Code "C" (for Crisis). In less than 5 minutes there were about 5 doctors and a dozen nurses all crowding into the room to figure out what was going on. They were afraid that I had an embolism so they took me down to scan my lungs. They did not find an embolism, but they did find that I had pneumonia. They brought me back to the room, gave me some meds for the pneumonia, and put me on oxygen. Later that night, my vitals went crazy again so they decided to transfer me to the ICU.

My feet and hands got really cold, so Ace lovingly massaged my feet to warm them up. He's such a sweetie.


On our way...

See you tomorrow from the ICU.

/\/\/\THE END/\/\/\

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