Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Super Bowl XLVII (1.10.13)

Gearhart's 2013 Super Bowl Party
49rs vs. Ravens


We always have a blast with the Gearhart family, naturally, when we invited ourselves over to their house, how could they say no?  Bobbi Jo made HOT chicken dip, chips, pizza, and drinks; Adam and I, both made super awesome brownies.
See our awesome brownies?
Here's the chips Bobbi Jo made!!  (:
Nick LOVED the brownies!! (:
Nick and his girlfriend, Shannon.
I finally got to meet her and get a picture with her! 
My Bestie...Bobbi Jo!!
My Honey... LOVE HIM!
I ate Italian Ice and the wooden spoon broke!
Maddie Jo Jo Jo... (:
You thought we wouldn't have a silly face picture?
I LOVE this picture!!
We haven't done a feet picture in a long time!! 
 I'll be honest, don't remember this picture...
A true friend puts up with my silliness!!
What a great bestie... (:
 Nate's gonna be up all night!! (:
I'm ready for bed!!
Thanks Gearharts for having us over for the party and for letting us invite ourselves over.  Haha...we always enjoy hanging out with you!!  Love you guys!!

THE   END!!!

New Sister (1.9.13)

 I get a New Sister!!

January 9, 2013

It was a typical Saturday.  Marisa, Rachel, and Jackie all stopped over to the house for Jill-Pancakes!!  We were doing nails and eating pancakes!!
Here's Rachel's pineapple pancake...
Marisa's  Pancake...
These pictures are brought to you by the letter... "M"!
Jackie's soccer ball pancake... 
After eating pancakes, I got a call from Lindsay saying she wanted to stop at the house to pick up some movies.  Like a sweet girl, I said yes. 
Lindsay walked into the house and said, "Oh you guys are painting nails?"
"Yes, we sure are!!"  I replied.
"Would you want to pain my nails?"  She asked.
 Without looking up, I replied "Sure!!  What color?"
Lindsay held her hand out and said
with excitement, "Well, what color goes with this?"
I saw a BIG sparkly ring on her finger!!  AHHH!!!
I screamed bloody murder. 
So loud, Adam came in from outside.
Then I about tackled her!!
...and we laughed and laughed!!
The Engaged Couple
...Johnny and Lindsay...
Lookie...kinda matching rings...
Congrats Johnny and Lindsay!!  Love you both!!!
Can't wait for the wedding!!!

THE   END!!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

(10.5) Glad-egan Get-together!

Glad-egan Get-together

October 5, 2012

 Adam and Zane watched Shawn the Sheep..

I think Adam liked the movie more...

It was almost bedtime for Zane.

Me and the most amazing girl, wife, mother ever...AMY!!

See how fun she is?

Billy and Amy are so cute...

What great friends we have!!

 The camera practice picture...

This one is my favorite!!

Traditional Silly-Jilly Face Pictures...

Billy's muscle kills me here...

Bwahaha...look at Zane's face here!!

"Help me, Mommy!!  Save me!!"
Thanks, Gladfelters for having us over to your house..
We Love You!!

THE   END!!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

(10.13)--New Fall Decor

Fall Décor 2013
Our fall-decorated house...
(can you see our not cat, Bernadette?)
Sorry this picture is sideways...
Adam, Scarecrow Adam, Scarecrow Jill, Jill!!
Our "Cluster-Shot"...
Ok...I'll spare you the kissing pictures.. (:
Love you Babe!!


(10.7) Kara's Birthday

Happy 18th Birthday, Kara!!


Making a wish!!
Her cake..
Can't believe that she is a graduating!!!!   ):
Jill and Jill Picture!!! (:
Such a sweet family!! (:
Happy Birthday, Kara!!  Good luck in all you do!!  You are such a sweetie pie.  You are always determined in everything you do, so I know that you will be successful in all you do!!
Love you all, Thompson Family!!

THE   END!!!!