Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

5.24--Cupcake Day

Jill Babysits

May 24, 2012

I had the pleasure o' babysitting sweet Natalie one to two days a week just for the month o' May.  It was soo much fun.  Every babysitting day, we would have an "activity" for that day.  So for THIS day, it was Cupcake Day!  We made cupcakes and then decorated them.

Natalie wanted to help do the dishes!

I wasn't going to say no...

RaeRae also willingly did my dishes...how sweet! (:

She talked on the phone...kid-lets these days...

Look at this face....

When baking...you always gotta lick the bowl...

...and the measuring cups...

Sweet Cousins... Nat & RaeRae...

Decorating is soo much fun...

We had to make lots o' color options...

"The Prickley Porci-Cupcake"

All done...Look how amazing they are...

RaeRae's awesome Flag Cupcake...

She's so silly...look at that face...

Always fun times when Jill babysits...

Ace loves it cause we always bake tasty food for him...

Can't wait for the next babysitting day...

THE   END!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Happy Three-Year Anniversary
May 16, 2012

Our traditional anniversary meal is always celebrated at McDonalds.  You may think this is a weird tradition; however, after our wedding we were both hungry and since I'd just had surgery, I only wanted to eat soup.  The only restaurant with soup was McDonalds.  Thus that's where we ate!  So every year, we go out to eat at McDonalds!!!  

FIRST Meal o' our Three-Year Anniversary.

Our fries and ketchup...I love ketchup...can you tell?

Us...Again...I'm so lucky!!

Our "other" tradition we thought would be fun, however many years we are celebrating that is how many times we must celebrate/eat together.  We don't necessarily have to go OUT/out to eat, but we have to celebrate together! (:
So THIS is Meal #2...at Long John Silvers.
Fish...Fries...Chicken...Sweet Tea...Hush Puppies...

SECOND  Meal o' our Three-Year Anniversary.

Blast From the Past...

Right after our wedding...

Here's to 575755,738,971,538,914,312 more wonderful years, Babe!

THE   END!!!