Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

10.23--JC Blair Hospital (SAT)

October 23, 2010.

Didn't sleep real good through the night. You see, I have a pain pump. To get my pain medication, I have to press a button. It's programmed to not let me OD, if I press it 3x in a row, it will only give me the set amount, and then the second 2x are canceled. So it's like I only pressed it once.

After a day o' hardly any visitors it was great to have visitors stop today. It really does cheer me up to have friends stop by to say hello. Many o' them say something about them being sorry they couldn't stay very long, but if they knew how much it cheered me up, pretty sure they'd still visit. Thanks to all o' you who have put forth the effort to come visit me. I love you all so much! Thanks...MUAH!!

The Schroeders stopped by for a visit.

Me and Lyra and li'l Gabriel.

Me & Andrea...she was so gentle.

Kylie stopped by to say hi.

Oh, I wish I was allowed to post the other picture.

Linda says, Harriet's a Goon.

More pretty colored urine!!

The Doctor ordered for me to go for walks.
Here's pictures o' our walk we took.
This is the Outpatient Testing sign.

This is the room for the outpatient procedure.

Here's where you have the baby.

Adam wonders, what's behind Door #3?

Here's what was behind the door...

I wanted to open up this door.

This is where babies come from!
I tried to talk Adam into letting me go in here and pick out a baby!

This is for you, Leonard Hofstetter!

What you see on my door!

Who is this hot chick who came to visit me?
...JOHNNY o' course...

So there is this one commercial, they have hair just like this in the commercial; however, I'm having a very hard time trying to find the commercial. I was able, however, to get this picture. Anyway, check out their hair. It's so amazing b/c it's just like Johnny's hair!
Their Hair.

Johnny's Hair. (Similar! Right?)

Ah...back to normal, Justin Beiber!

Comparing the "no-hair" spot around the ears.
I think this is a particularly cool shot!

Our hair is the same length...cause we're twins!

He loves buttons!!!

Guess how much Johnny weighs?
Jason knew which button to press for the answer.
146.0 Pounds.

Johnny and Lindsay...They are adorable!

One o' my gifts was gum...
Lindsay WON...she blew the biggest bubble.

So Johnny had is head thrown back, which made me look up his nostrils. Upon looking at his nostrils, I noticed that his right nostril was three times the size o' his left nostril. If he ever has to get an NG Tube, he better be telling them to use his right nose hole!! Haha...it's not just me right? You can see it too?
Can't you see it?

My reaction when they said...
Let's repeat the surgery on Tuesday!

Before Johnny, Jason, and Lindsay all left, they wanted to say goodbye to me. I, was asleep. They didn't want to wake me up so Johnny was going to take a picture beside me while I was still asleep. Well, just as we were ready to take the picture, I woke up. So we had to take a "let's remember" picture. So, I am ASLEEP; Johnny is yawning, cause he's tired.
Is this a yawn or a "Caden roar"?

A sweet visit from my sweet brother.

A sweet visit from Johnny's sweetheart!

Sweet hug from Nurse Jan.

My fantastic friend--Bobbi Jo!

Several visits from Bobbi Jo; sustained me.

  • Visitors.
  • Cool Color o' Pee.
  • Taking a Walk.
  • Brother Visits.
  • More Visitors.


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