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"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10.19--JC Blair Hospital (TUES)

October 19, 2010.
My procedure was scheduled for 9:30 a.m. When I woke up this morning feeling achy, a pretty high fever (103.5), and extreme chills. Like to the point where my whole body was convulsing with chills. Terry Snare and Joyce Brubaker stopped by around 8:00 a.m. so that I'd have someone to comfort me right before I would be going into surgery. They stopped by and visited with me. Helped me get completely ready before transport team came by to pick me up. Because my temperature was high, they were scared if I should even have the surgery done, so they drew a few tubes o' blood, and 3 blood culture bottles, and finally a urine C&S. All the tests looked good enough, so I was on schedule...and away I went.
Joyce & Me.

Terry & Me.
They took me down to the "holding tank" or so I called it. They asked me a few questions, had me sign a few papers, and then gave me something to relax me...and relax me it did. Then they took a marker and marked up my right side. I scooted from the gurney to the surgical table, where they hooked me up to a few things, and there were two metal circles they placed on my side and belly. When I woke up, I had the feeling, that I had to pee incredibly bad. The nurses and my doctor were talking about me as well. They also kept taking my temperature, shaking their heads, and more talking. Finally, they asked me what my mother's number was that they could reach her. So I gave them my mama's cell phone, which they called her to get an ok to take me back into surgery. The first surgery, they went in and did a lithotripsy on my big stones (9-10mm) to break them up into pieces so that I could pass them on my own easier; however, even the smallest stone was too big for me to pass. One o' the stones got obstructed making urine back up into the kidney causing an infection, resulting in a fever o' 103.5! After getting the ok to operate, the doctor's took me back to the table, put me back under, and placed a stent (or tube) in to help keep my ureter open.

So I left my room at 9:30, and I didn't get back from surgery till 4:30 p.m.!! What a L-O-N-G crazy day!! They want to leave the stent in for a week; however, the last times I've had stents it just made me more miserable, and I usually ended up pulling them out. So this has caused me a whole lot o' pain, but I'm trying to leave it in! Even though the stent is in, I'm still in a great deal o' pain. As if the pain wasn't bad enough with the stones trying to make their way down, now when I pee...I pee blood. It literally feels like I'm peeing fire!! Then it hurts so bad I don't even want to pee! Hopefully this all passes quickly, b/c I don't know how much longer I can handle all o' this stuff.


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