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"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

7.2-- CD...Blood Work

Wednesday, July 7, 2010.

So this a.m. bright and early, all the doctors came in and visited me. They love stopping by to say hi, give CPR compressions to my already tender abdomen, and listening to my breathes as I hyperventilate breathing in and out. They told me this a.m. that if I could keep down a soft diet that I could go home. So they brought me my food and it was a full liquid. Well, full liquid is like creamed soups, milk, pudding, ice cream, and things like that. Do you know what all the full-liquid foods have in common? They are all MILK products. Well, I don't do milk. Haha...So I was like, uh, can I have something else. Well, they never actually WROTE that I was allowed to eat soft foods, so they could only give me clear liquids! YAY! Gotta love how the doctor's say stuff and never follow through with what they say.

So I was getting rides and everything ready to be discharged today, when they said they wanted to run some lab work. So they drew some blood. Well, it came back and everything seemed to be off:

Potassium--extremely low.
ESR--extremely high.

So they ran some bags o' potassium and iron thru my IV over three hours, also made me drink this nasty stuff. Well, then they drew more blood later. The results came back and it was still messed up. So finally around 1:30 p.m. they said they just wanted to keep me cause I was being difficult! Haha...so looks like I will be staying tonight. YAY!!


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