Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

28-- CD...S&S Fisher...Family

Altoona Regional Hospital.
June 28, 2010.
Room #1069.

I finally was able to get my very lovely room around 5:30 a.m.! I was thankful again for Alisha spending the wee mornin' hours with me especially when everyone else was not around. I couldn't ask for such a wonderful friend who was willing to give up her night to be an encouragement to me!
Thanks Alisha.
Thanks SO much!


Monday, June 28, 2010.
Stephen & Steph Fisher

The wee hours o' the night had come and gone. Also, I didn't have the hospital lab top. It's so funny how this lap top has picture files on it. The only pictures that are on this computer are hospital pictures. Quite funny, eh? Anyway, I was able to get a hole o' Stephen and Stephanie Fisher to see if they would be willing to bring some things that I needed from the house that I hadn't had time to get in the short time I had to pack all my things. The things that they needed to bring that I needed were:
(1) My Hospital Lap Top.
(2) My Humira Injection.
(3) My Camera Card Reader.

They did such a wonderful job in finding all the things on the list and bringing them up to me. Wow! What great friends! (:
Steph helping me with my injection.

Stephen wishing he did the injection.

Can you find 7 differences between the pictures?

All o' us...We look SO good!

Stephen, Me, & Steph...what are our poses?
*Gas Pain Face*.*Twisted Uterus*.*Kim Kardasheon*

Monday, June 28, 2010.

Justin and Jesse stopped by to visit with me as well and to try to cheer me up. Well, let me just tell you that they did a heck o' a job in completing their assignment! They are such wonderful brothers! (:
The Three o' Us! (:

Me & My Li'l Brudder...MUAH!

Justin & I...Silly Faces!

"Wait, I forgot, my glasses!"

Me & My Daddy!
No, your eyes are not playing tricks with you. My father really did make it to the hospital to visit with me. We all know how much dad doesn't like to travel; however, he was such a great sport about coming down to visit me. We also got together and watched America's Got Talent. We were all dying laughing and it was a great time. I just love my daddy!! (:

(1) Found Retroverted Uterus.
(2) Also showed a Tilted Cervix.
*In English*
Normally the uterus is in a straight vertical position. My uterus is tipped backwards toward the back of my pelvis. The tilted position makes it more prone to rub up against my intestines, making fistulas easier to form.

NORMAL ME (Not So Normal)

Treatment Plan---
~Surgery to reposition the uterus. A uterine suspension can typically reduce the pain experienced. This surgical procedure is used to reposition a tipped uterus from its backward facing position to a forward facing position.
~The UPLIFT procedure is a newer and improved method of performing a uterine suspension. It has been proven to have fewer postoperative complications than other uterine suspension procedures. Uterine repositioning provides lasting pain relief in most cases.
~The "Knee-chest" exercise may help reposition a tipped uterus temporarily. However, this exercise will not be effective if the uterus has become tipped because of endometriosis, fibroid tumors, or pelvic infections.

I also met with the surgeon here at the hospital; however since I'm not the typical "normal" Crohn's Case, he said if there would be any options o' surgery, he'd prefer I get transferred to UPMC.

~I will also be continuing to take the anti-inflammatory medications (Solu-Medrol) three times a day.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jill!

    I've been searching for a surgeon that will perform the UPLIFT surgery for me to no avail. The obgyns in my area insist such a thing doesn't exist. Could you tell me where you went to have it done and how much it cost?

