Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 5

Just a Loney Day
(That's a Song...know who sings it?)

Thursday (day 5) was such a long day for me. I was able to sleep on and off thru the night. Around 9:00, I was totally ready to go take a shower. I then found out that I had to wait till all the other patients that needed to use the showers were done showering. My infection is extremely contagious AND my immune system is down and they don't want me to get anything else on top o' it all. When it was my turn to get into the showers, I picked out clothes so I could match one o' my nurses, Robin (CNA).

Our Matching Outfits.

(Me & Robin)
Amy (RN) & Riquel (CNA)


A Nice Surprise

Ace called at lunch time and said that he had stuff to do around the house, so he wouldn't be up in the evening. That was fine, I told him I'd talk to him later. It was such a long and lonely day b/c the internet was "unavaliable" and that meant all I could do was lay in my bed (cause I'm not allowed out o' my room) and oh and get up and go to the bathroom. Well, after having my supper, I was laying in my bed depressed about being all by myself and extremely upset that I couldn't get on the internet, when Ace came walking thru the door. It was SO nice to have a surprise visit! YEAH!! Ace wasn't going to come up to the hospital b/c he had cleaning to do and he wanted to do all the laundry. My lovely mother offered to do the laundry so that I could come up and visit me. I'm so lucky for such an amazing mother who is always there for me thru my sickness. I love you, Mama! (:

My honey and I enjoyed a snack that evening.
.....Ice Cream & Beef Broth.....

Ace using his amazing muscles to move my bed.

Ace brought me a present!

It was a new cell phone charger!
(Mine broke up here.)

It was SO nice to have Ace come up for a surprise visit, and then to get a present on top o' that. Can my life get better...I submit it can NOT!



  1. glad that you got a visit from your sweet husband and that you are finding things to be thankful for even when you're in the hospital. Praying that yucky infection goes away soon!

  2. yay for getting through yesterday, and I'm so glad today has been better for you! Still praying, love you!
