Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

4.3--Decker's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Uncle Decker!!

We celebrated Uncle Decker's birthday up at Uncle Chucky and Aunt Tam's house! He makes the most amazing strombolies EVER!! (Yes, even better than OIP!!) He made 15 li'l strombolies for everyone that was there! I just love family get-togethers!!

Here is ONE o' the trays...

Adam's plate with sauce...

Pretty cupcakes Lindsay made..
After eating, Chucky took Johnny and Lindsay out to the shed to show them his bike. O' course, Johnny had to take it for a spin, and o' course Lindsay went along!! She fits right in our family! So Johnny and Lindsay took the bike for a ride. It was a bit chilly outside still, so they borrowed coats from Chucky and Tam.

Back from their ride...

Pulled it right back in where it was...

Rocky watched to make sure everything was alright!

Good ol' Rock!!

This is what the boys did after we ate...

After eating the strombolies, Uncle Chucky planned to make homemade ice cream for Decker's birthday cake! I helped him. It's crazy to think that I've NEVER made homemade ice cream before. Since I was 16 years old, ice cream has always been one the "can't have" column. Helping Chucky was fun, I noticed that the recipe used to make the ice cream was very similar to our McFinne-Nog we make for Christmas. Anyway, we put it in the churn and in 30-45 minutes it was finished. Wish I would have taken more pictures o' me making it...but...

Here it is...done and ready to eat!

Haha..Johnny being a BIG GOOF!!

...much better...

Me and Lindsay...she's so awesome! (:

Haha...I got goosed!! (:

Later we all sat around and drank coffee or tea, whichever we preferred. As we picked out mugs, I picked the one with Pap on it. It's so weird when we have family functions to not have Pap or Gram anymore, we still have a great time, don't get me wrong, it will just never be the same. Anyway, I drank my tea out o' THIS mug.

Pappy 'Cracken...

My tea I picked...
Uncle Chucky and Aunt Tam...
Such wonderful HOSTS!!

Aunt Patty lighting the candles.

One row o' 5 and one row o' 2 = 52!!

Decker with his cake!!

Gotta have some brother-n-sister lovin'...

What a fun time, Happy Birthday Uncle Decker, I love you!


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