Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Saturday, April 24, 2010


MY Lovely Babysitters.
Recovery Week II

Because I still have trouble doing things for myself, various ladies from the church offer to open up there home to babysit me; while other girls stay at my house and help out with various choirs that I wouldn't normally not be able to complete. I took some pictures o' some various babysitters and some o the fun times that we have had!!

\\\Babysitter Michelle///

Michelle and I go all the way back till 3rd grade through Senior year. She offered to come over and help me out, which was so refreshing to have her help out with different tasks around the house that I have trouble doing or am not allowed to do for another 3-5 weeks!!! YEAH! My honey, Ace, shouldn't have to come home to a house that's dirty. It just makes me feel like I'm a terrible wife...so this was such a blessing!!
She did my dishes...BLESSING!

Vacuumed my carpets...YAY!
Dr. says vacuum is a No-No for me!

Michelle rocking out the green bug glasses!

She even made us supper...AWESOME!!
Chicken da la creme a la Stuffing.

\\\Babysitters Ashley & Jackie.///

They made iced cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

Had trouble setting oven temperature & timer.
Strombolies cooking....

They look SOO yummy!

While Ashley and Jackie were babysitting me, Adam had some more work to finish for the front door, so he worked on that when he got home from work.

First Ace tried on some Irish Apparel.

Working on the trim o' our new door.

Using a sawl to cut the trim.

He's still cutting...
Hope he doesn't cut my coffee table!

After he put up some o' the trip around the side o' the door, he took a break so Ashley could give him a nice warm iced cinnamon roll to eat. While Ace ate, Ashley had a show for him to watch....Haha...this is HILARIOUS!! Please Enjoy!! (:

Ashley's Helium Show For Ace...Enjoy!! (:

/\/\/\THE END/\/\/\

1 comment:

  1. what a blessing to have friends that will come spend time with you and even help around the house while they are there!!
