Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

(26th-28th) God-Heart, CT Scan, Bruises, CVA Removal, Bella Outfit!

UPMC Montefiore N1071
Weekend, March 26-28, 2010
Hospital Count Day: 28, 29, 30!

I was laying in bed and Ace looked over and was like, what is that? I looked down, and low-and-behold one o' my stitches was poking out thru my shirt. Haha...
Can you see my Stitch?

I got this really cute letter from my li'l buddy Jasmine that came to visit me. She made it at school. I wish I would have taken pictures o' the rest o' the card b/c it was SO cute. The one part says, "Jillian, you have to leave [the hospital] before you turn into peas." Oh, when Ace and I read that part, we just laughed and laughed.
I'm too CUTE to be in the hospital!

The doctor's ordered yet another CT scan.
The contrast stuff was DISGUSTING!!

After drinking the contrast feeling BLAA...

(Mama F, Patty Palmer, Mama M)

Aunt Patty got me this BEAUTIFUL Bracelet
It's a heart, but it also says GOD.
Do you see it?


Where they tried to get blood.

Taking out the stitches from the Central Line.
Because o' all the fevers that I had been having, they decided to pull the Central Line, thinking that that was contributing to the fevers. So here the surgeon is pulling out my Central Line. Also that the very beginning the tape kept pulling my hair, so that's kind o' funny.

No, I was not attacked by a vampire, suture marks from the Central Line.

A cute outfit that Scott and Dana got me!
(And I'm also going for a walk!)


1 comment:

  1. Jill, I am so glad to see you are doing better. I have been praying for you!!!
