Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12.11--Christmas Pictures.

We really needed some pictures for our Christmas cards; however, we didn't have an updated one and any o' them that really looked good. So we got a good friend, Nicole Snare, to take a few pictures for us for our cards. Let me just tell you that she did such a wonderful job. She's only 15, but she has such an eye for what would be great pictures and great backgrounds. We also had a great time taking pictures.

So I really really wanted snow for our pictures (since they are our Christmas pictures), so I prayed for snow that morning. Haha...at work on Friday, it started to snow, I said, "You know everyone, it's cause I prayed for snow..." It was funny, and there wasn't as much snow as I wanted for the pictures, but there was enough to tell there was snow.

So here are our pictures...
Kissing under the Mistletoe...
(even though you can't really see it.)

Being careful to not get hit by a train!

The beautiful collage Nicole made.

There's something about brick pictures.

Peeking at each other...

I love the way he looks at me...

One o' my all-time favorites!

We could be the cover to a Western magazine.

I still get butterflies...

Black and white...

...more black and white...

Haha...this is the greatest picture ever!

Pretty Christmas Tree.

Love this one...

Jumping ones...

Love the faces in this picture...

We went to Narnia...


Pole at the train station...

Look like a Rockefeller Painting?

He makes me laugh...

Never realized how bad my crow's feet are!!

Looking at the "Love Tunnel"...

Footprints in the snow... Happily married...
What a grand time, hope you all enjoyed the pictures! We sure had fun taking them!! Nicole did such a wonderful job taking the pictures. I would totally recommend her if you want pictures taken!! Hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas with family!!