Friday, March 12, 2010.
Friday a.m. was a lazy kind of day. Ace was here, he slept in, and then he ordered brunch. Here is what he ordered. It all was very good he said. He orders one and at most two meals per day because they are a bit expensive if you order three meals a day. It's been such a blessing people donating us money for us to cover gas and food. Because as you can see those things can add up quite quickly. Anyway, here is Ace's Brunch:
Ace ordering Food for everyone!
- Two Pancakes
- Sausage Patty
- Three Strips o' Bacon
- One Hashbrown
- Scrambled Eggs
- Two Cartons o' Chocolate Milk
...and no, he couldn't eat it all...
Ace's Supper
- Oven Crusted Macaroni and Cheese.
- Oven-Roasted Red Skinned Potatoes.
- Seasoned Bread Stuffing.
- Cottaged Cheese.
- Marinated Pasta Salad.
- Chocolate Pudding.
- Fruit Punch.
Joyce's Supper
- Baked Cod with Citrus Crust.
- Ceasar Salad.
- Steamed Rice.
- Brocolli.
- Fresh Seasonal Fruit Cup.
- Carrot Cake.
- Pepsi.
- Chicken Stir Fry.
- Ceasar Salad.
- Coleslaw.
- Cottaged Cheese.
- Potato Chips.
- Chocolate Chip Cookies (2).
- Ginger Ale.
/\/\/\ SHELLANA & JAMES VISIT /\/\/\
To cheer me up my BFF, Swiss Cake Roll, and sister, Shellana drove up to visit me. It was so nice to see them. Shellana and James bought me a huge bag o' all sorts o' goodies!! It was oh so very nice! Here we are with all my presents!! (:
- Plain Green T-shirt.
- White Longsleeve T-shirt with green clovers.
- Blue & Green Polka dotted pj bottoms.
- 2 awesome pairs o' comfy underwears!
- Nail Polish (blue, green, purple).
- Nail Polish remover pads.
- Werthers Original hard candy.
- Jolly Ranchers.
- A sweet LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE...AERO bag.
- Oh and a clover garder thing.
Here we are with all the presents.
They sure are cute, aren't they?
YEAH for marriage! (:
The "Jill Face"...CHEESE!!
James checking scores on his phone.
Shellana bought me a li'l bucket filled with all different colors o' nail, purple, green, etc... Her goal was to cheer me up by giving my tootsies a pedicure! (: So I bet you can guess what color I picked??? Yup, yup, yup...I picked GREEN! My favorite color, and because I'm totally flippin' Irish! Here is Shellana painting my toes.
Shellana got a li'l frustrated because my nails were so tiny and hard to pain. Finally she just got all fed up and said, "Jill, I'm just going to paint your skin!" it's hilarious. But it really looked good and it really cheered me up!
The Pedicure Par-TAY!
I'm surprised Becky let me paint her toes.
Especially since I'm on drugs.
Especially since I'm on drugs.
Yeah for friends.
/\/\/\ Unexpected Past Roomie & Fam /\/\/\
When I was in the Altoona Hospital, one o' my roomies was named, Angie Kline. She was a very sweet young lady with three children (son, 15; daughter, 13; daughter, 10). Because we were stuck in the hospital room together for quite a few days on end, the two o' us got to know each other quite well and become very good friends. Angie was able to get out o' the hospital quite a few days before me; however, she still kept in contact with me thru facebook...I was even able to get my picture with just her and me. So she called me the other day and said that she wanted to drive ALL the way down to Pittsburgh to visit me and that she would bring her darling girls with her...she kept her word and boom, bang, there they were! (: It was nice to see Angie out o' the hospital and looking rather healthy! (: Here we all are with her daughters. The oldest daughter, Mary, then there's Angie, then cute li'l Brittany, and then me! They really brightened up my day! We look so darn cute, right?
They got me presents too:
Doggie, I named Reese Cup and Jolly Ranchers.
Doggie, I named Reese Cup and Jolly Ranchers.
/\/\/\ Nurse's Aide -- Whitney /\/\/\
Whitney...LOVE her!
She was my nurse's aide for a few days. Whitney was amazing, and I really liked her. She stopped by my room to drop off a cute li'l tiger stuffed animal; however, they had given me a dose o' Ativan and I was out like a light! So she just dropped by the animal and left. So then she came back the next day to say her goodbye because she would be not working for the next week and wouldn't get to see me off. So it was great to see her and wish her well. What a great encouragement to me when I was feeling so sick.
Praise The Lord for Unexpected/New Friends.
/\/\/\ Ativan-Induced Sleep /\/\/\
They think it's funny to take pictures o' me passed out. Ok, for real, it is just a li'l bit funny. I was really tired though, and it's just hard to entertain people when they dope me up with Ativan. But just so you all know, I was totally there to entertain. It was a big day....we painted nails, did hair, make-up, massaged our backs, all sorts o' fun it really knackered me out! (:
This may look funny, but this position really helps relieve the pain, pressure, and discomfort that I was experiencing. It doesn't matter what you look like as long as you get relief! (:
Gotta Love my POC (Position o' Comfort)!

Yes, I fell asleep with a jawbreaker in my mouth, and everyone was not concerned that I was going to choke (because I was in a hospital). They weren't concerned that I had a hard piece o' candy in my mouth. They also thought it was hilarious that the jawbreaker moved from one side o' my mouth to the other and then to the front and all around (if you got that). Anyway, what did everyone decide to do? Grab the camera and take a picture.
Me & My Jolly Breaker! (:

They think it's funny to take pictures o' me passed out. Ok, for real, it is just a li'l bit funny. I was really tired though, and it's just hard to entertain people when they dope me up with Ativan. But just so you all know, I was totally there to entertain. It was a big day....we painted nails, did hair, make-up, massaged our backs, all sorts o' fun it really knackered me out! (:
This may look funny, but this position really helps relieve the pain, pressure, and discomfort that I was experiencing. It doesn't matter what you look like as long as you get relief! (:
Gotta Love my POC (Position o' Comfort)!
Yes, I fell asleep with a jawbreaker in my mouth, and everyone was not concerned that I was going to choke (because I was in a hospital). They weren't concerned that I had a hard piece o' candy in my mouth. They also thought it was hilarious that the jawbreaker moved from one side o' my mouth to the other and then to the front and all around (if you got that). Anyway, what did everyone decide to do? Grab the camera and take a picture.
Me & My Jolly Breaker! (:
And Finally--I'm out for the count.
It was a long day, as you can tell. Lots o' visitors to cheer me up. I really appreciated the sacrifices that every one had made to come to travel many many hours to drive out, up, over, down to cheer me up. Just so everyone really helped me out, more than you could understand. Thanks to all who made my Friday such a wonderful day, filled with fantastic friends and family! Because my friends are the best friends ever, and my family? Can be replaced...they mean so much to me.
/\/\/\ THE END /\/\/\
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