Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Wednesday (Day 6)

Altoona Hospital.
March 3, 2010.

/\/\/\ My Roomie /\/\/\

My room is 514. I'm in bed-B. My roomie's name is Angie. She was in bed-A. She came in Friday afternoon, and I joined her in the wee hours on Friday night. After spending almost a week with Angela we were able to get to know A LOT about each other, and about each o' our lovely families. So the coolest thing ever was Angela and her husband were celebrating their 18th year o' marriage!! Can you believe that? 18?!?! I told her that Ace and I were just married last May. Her eyes looked like they were going to pop out o' her head, a smile started to creep across her face as she screamed, "MAY16th?!?! That's OUR anniversary!!" So here we were roomies, and we both had the same wedding anniversary. How cool is that!?! Her family stopped by at least once a night, and I got to meet her husband, son (15), and two li'l daughters (13,10). You could really tell that the girls just adored Angie. What a lovely family!
Angie and Me.

/\/\/\ VISITORS /\/\/\

As I was walking back to my bed, I heard two soft knocks on the door. I turned my head and motioned the dark silhouettes to come in. I got to my bed and turned completely around to see who was at the door. Suddenly these to dark silhouettes came to life and began singing and dancing a li'l jig. Upon closer look, I noticed it was Steve and Steph Fisher. Yes, yes it was them, and they had green, glittery, leprechaun hats. Needless to say I was scared. This picture was a reenactment o' what happened.
Steve & Steph broke out in a jig;
Jilly Willy F. screamed out oh so big.

What is this silly picture o' Steve that I
Someone stole my camera while I was

Boy this picture is really scarey.

Look at Steve's face, it's hairy, hairy, hairy.

If you have young eyes than look away,
Li'l eyes shan't look at Stephs boo-tay!

Steve, Jill, & Steph--Three Peas in a Pod.
Steph, we're all jealous o' Steve's amazing Bod.

Steph sometimes hits me, enough to make me cry.
Though I just tell everybody, "I've got somethin' in me eye."

They brought me gifts:
lifesavers...thigh socks...funny card

...& lets not forget my underwear pj's!!
Please note, Steph is ok with this picture!

Isn't this a LOVELY picture?

My sister Ashley made it up to visit me!!
(My face looks funny here!)

Haha...I look awful, but Ashley looks SO good!

Kissy face wearing Irish hats.

Like our Irish Hats?

Cute li'l sista, love the hair due.
Better back up, I think I might spew.

Gotta have a FEET PICTURE!!
Ashley, Me, & Jackie.

Oh boy, do I look drugged,
But Ash looks cute as a ladybug!

(cause ladybugs are cute...& it rhymes)

We are looking so good.

GOODBYE Everyone...Thanks for coming!

/\/\/\ Medical People /\/\/\

I have known Terri for about 2 years now. Back when I was in the hospital in April, I had the opportunity to get to know Terri. She is an amazing women. She is a very strong woman/wife. Her husband has been struggling with physical issues for a long time now. Just this past December, she spent the better part o' the month out in Pittsburgh with her very sick husband. Yet, she was never bitter, sad, or complained. She just keeps right on going. She also is an extremely good cook. So the other day, she brought me in white-chocolate-macadamian nut cookies. I'm on a clear liquid diet, so I couldn't really eat them; however, I did nibble a li'l bit off the one cookie and they were amazing!
My Cleaning Lady, Terri.

Oh dear, what can I say about Jared. He is certainly one-o'-a-kind dude. His nursing knowledge is spot on, he loves to laugh and tell jokes. Don't let his hairy "mountain man" look fool you though, he can give shots, pour meds, and crush pills like nobodies business. He also is very prompt. If your shot is due at 12:30, it will be...eh...well...it could come as early as 12:20 OR at the very latest 12:40. What a great guy.
My nurse, Jared.

Ahh...words cannot describe my buddy Bekah. I also think that this picture is a really good picture o' her. She is very compassionate, always cheerful (smiling), and willing to do anything for her patient (me). Listen to how cool God is. Ace and I met at Skyview Ranch, where we both know one o' the counselors there named Charity. Guess who knows Charity? That's right, Bekah and Charity know each other from college. They not only went to school together, they also were roomies for the first two semesters. What a small world! It just made me like Bekah all the more.
Bekah, my nurse...she's the bomb! (:

Heather has such a sweet personality. After her shift was over, she stopped in to tell me goodbye (b/c I would be leaving for Pittsburgh before she'd be back to work). She sawl that I was a li'l down and sad. She was willing to stay past her shift, talk with me, cheer me up, even share stories that would help me. What a sweet nurse.
My nurse, Heather.

/\/\/\ Almost the End!!! /\/\/\

The last picture o' the night. It was completely dark in the room, so when we took this picture, it was very bright in our eyes, can you tell? Anyway, our eyes were pretty much BLINDED! Haha...Goonight to all!!

Ok, Now It's...


  1. I'm glad that you had some great visitors and that you enjoyed the time with your room mate. You get to meet so many people in the position that you are in...great opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ! Keep your chin up and watch for those opportunites! :)

  2. hey, jill. i'm a friend of heidi's. we are missionaries to romania and grove city supports us. i just wanted to tell you that i've been praying hard for you and am glad you made it to pittsburgh (FINALLY!) =) i was thinking the same thing that becky (above me in the comments) said. i remember paul when he was in prison talking about using his position (in chains) to share the gospel with his guards... quite a perspective! i'm quite sure i would just be complaining about being in jail! i can see that you have joy in the Lord like Paul did and i wanted to thank you for sharing that with all of us. i am praying for great wisdom for you and your doctors, for your financial needs since ace cannot take off a lot of work and still wants to be with you in the hospital, and that the Lord would give you peace as you rest in Him.
    becky gravley
