Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Saturday, December 23, 2017

Spoonie Va-cay...(Part VII)

Tuesday, December 5th
Spoonie Va-cay...(Part VII)
[Colemans...Dressing Change...Twinsies...Mom's Bday]

Pastor and Becky Coleman

It was a very special day when Pastor and Becky Coleman drove the  entire way out to Pittsburgh to visit me.  My church family has been incredible and such a huge encouragent and support.  Many nurses, hospitalists, doctors, care nurses, medical assistance, even housekeeping commented on the many cards and overall "vibe" of my room.  There were many opportunities to share the Gospel by just sharing my twisty-turny-bumpy-lump and super-duper-cray-cray medical journey of how God has used my health to stretch me.  But more of that in another post...

"Jill, a selfie stick would make this easier..." --Pastor

Weekly Dressing Changes

Every week, my PICC line needs cleaned and it is quite the procedure.  UPMC Pittsburgh put a new protocol on how to change a PICC dressing.  It is painstakingly specific, and it made me feel like I had some super contagious disease.
Alexis and Lindsay (favs)

 I felt very official...

Visit with my favorite Twins!

The biggest surprise was a visit from my gymnasts.  Back when we were all way younger and smaller, I had the privilege of coaching these two amazing girls... Alex and Tori Misitano.  Even though it had been ages since we've seen each other in real life, technology had kept us connected.  SO...yay for technology...snapchat...text messages...facebook...and the instagram!!  YAY for that too!!  They both live and work out in Pittsburgh, and when they found out that I was admitted, they insisted on coming to visit and cheer me up!! 

They won't be able to understand the huge impact their many visits, text, and snaps meant to me.  They have both grown into loving, cheerful, and thoughtful young ladies. *tear*  Tori, since she is basically a physical therapist, took me out for walks.  Oh, funny story...we didn't really know where to walk...so we got in the elevator and randomly chose a floor, got off and walked around on the floor, got back in the elevator, and picked another floor.  Sometimes I will loudly laugh thinking of us giggling on the elevators while we debated what floor to pick.  When the doctor asked us what floor we were going to, but we weren't ready because we were "still deciding" what floor to pick.  (I think he thought we were cray-cray).  We did stop on floor 12 to visit my nurses from my hospitalization a few months earlier.

It was incredible catching up with them and learning all about their "adulting" life.  *sniff*  I now know that I can visit Pittsburgh any time knowing there will always be a place for me!

Alex...Coach Jill...Tori

Feet Picture

Happy Birthday, Mom Finnegan

On Tuesday, December 5th, 2017, Mom Finnegan celebrated her birthday.  Although, it seems like the older you get, the less important birthday's mean.  Our traditional Adam and Jill birthday song was quite difficult since I was in Pittsburgh, Adam was in Huntingdon, and Mom Finnegan was in Ohio.  What pray tell was the fix?  Adam invited me to a video chat room (because Skype wouldn't work).  Next I recorded the video to my phone and then we would send Mom Finnegan the final result.  

[Please note the HUGE technological delay]

Again, thanks for all the support and prayers.


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