Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Spoonie Va-cay (Visitors from Home)

 Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Spoonie Va-cay...(Part VIII)

[Special Visitors...Christmas Decorations...Surprise Visitors]
[Ultrasound/Surgery--Yes or NO]

Special Visitors

I was blessed when my mom texted me to see if I'd be up for some special visitors (and one really cute li'l visitor).  Well, HECK YES!!! 

My "Special Visitors"...

So who were they?  (Did I keep you in suspense?)

It was Cindy (Mom) Lane, Rachel, and Collin.  They came bearing gifts...it was very humbling to receive so much love from home.  Rachel's kid-lets had all gotten me pictures, super sweet cards, and lots of Christmas decor for my hospital room.  Thanks everyone!!

Special "SHOUT OUT" to 
Bethany...William...Lydia...and Collin
 "Mom/Dad" ...Jake...Rachel

"Home" = "Happiness"
 (On our "long walk" to the gazebo)

 How could this not make me feel better?

Bethany's Letter.... 
"Hello, Bethany here!" -- My fav! 

This was such a sweet letter and it was very interesting to see Bethany's thoughtful spirit through this note. She explained thoroughly specific instructions for the care of her present (a bunny named, Snickers).  Snickers needs to eat...carrots, peanut butter, and strawberries.  
 Meet, Snickers the Bunny

William's Letter...
Super impressed with his "writing skills"...

Lydia's Letter...
This melts my heart
(Also, Rachel had to "decipher the inside message"!) 

Collin's Drawling... 
Well done staying inside the lines! (:
This Family + Star Wars drawling =
No Surprise!!!

Collin's present
(Snowmen are my FAVORITE!)

Room Decor...
(Made by the the Kid-lets!)

More Room Decor...
(Bobbi Jo/Gearhart Fam, Kid-lets, and Mom/Dad Finnegan!)

My SURPRISE Visitors

 As the special visitors were gathering their belongings and we were wrapping up with last minute pictures and tons of hugs, in walked MORE visitors from home.

WHAT?!?!?!  Who in the world could it be?!?!

Any Guesses?

The Gearharts!!!

Yup, you can tell we are besties!

 Apparently, Neil and Bobbi Jo had been texting Adam so they could plan a sneak-attack visit.  It was so surprising when they walked in!!  Their son had a game out in Pittsburgh, so they decided to leave early, come surprise me, and then finish their day watching his basketball game.

Couldn't have dreamed my day could've gotten any better.

Love you, Bestie!

Since I've already touched on the "Home Visitors", thought I'd throw in my letter from Ruth Coleman.  She is from my home church (Calvary Independent Baptist Church), and just recently, she reached her support to be a missionary to Honduras.  YAY for Honduras/Huntingdon Happy Thoughts!!!

Thanks, Ruthie Coleman!

"Get Well Wish Jar"

What is a Get Well Wish Jar?  My sweet friends, Amy and Cindy, had an idea.  They emailed/messaged/texted/snapped as many people as they could.  People that knew me...They sent a note to them saying...

"Jill is in the hospital, and we want to send some cheer by way of encouraging notes.  Would you be willing to sent me a message/text/email/snap a note back to us.  We will write it and stick it in the jar."

So friends and family from all over sent Amy and Cindy many notes for the Well Wish Jar. I had specific instructions that I was to only read TWO notes a day.  Unless it's a bad day, then I am allowed another note! This was something that really encouraged me daily.  There were so many amazing messages that melted my heart, and many hilarious messages with jokes that made me laugh.

To everyone that took part in this project, know how much it meant!!  Thanks for taking the time to send me those messages.  Today (December 30, 2017), I will occasionally grab a note or two when I'm struggling or feeling sad.

Jill's Jar of Well Wishes
(& Snickers...)

Notes from Church Friends...
Voorhis, Diane, Marianne, Cindy Lane, Pap,
Bobbi Jo, Neil

 Pap's version of a "Jill Card"

 Friends, Family, and Gymnasts
Shout out too...
Clyde and Donna Lane

 Pap wasn't the only one who attempted "Jill-Card Style"
Shout out to...Amy, Billy, Zane,
Bunny, Walt (new neighbors) and
Robby Bobby, Paula, Hunter, Hayden

Gymnasts, Neighbors, Friends...
Special shout out to...
My li'l Mags, Rea Rea, Chelsea, Nick 
Patty, Cooks, Michia 

Shout out to...
Tiara, Jackie & Cody, Jess, Heather
Betty, Tom, Amy, Nick, Rea Rea, "coolest neighbors"
Natalie, Patty, Amy, Cooks, Michia
Billy, Amy Zane
 Thanks Guys!!

 I have the best friends ever.  To everyone who wrote these notes, they still bring a smile to my face.  (Yes, I still will read them if I'm having a bad day.) Love you all!!

Thanks Again!! (:


Surgery Decision

Today was the day that would determine if I would be having my surgery in two days.  An ultrasound was scheduled early in the morning (to ensure that the knot of suspense in my stomach could continue to grow all day).  They took tons of pictures of my upper arm, shoulder, and chest...don't worry, I did a silly face in one of them. 


As the visitors were getting ready to leave, there was a knock at the door...AHHH...it's time!  The hematologist/oncology on my case stopped by to deliver the final verdict...

Surgery or NO Surgery!

 "Winner!! WINNER!!  Chicken Dinner!!"


"GAME (well surgery) ON!"

As always, thanks for all the prayers. Even though this is how I close out my blog...a "Thanks" and "THE END!"... know that I seriously do thank you all!!!


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