Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

12.25--McCracken Christmas

Ahh...what a lovely Christmas!! By far, Christmas is my most favorite time o' the year...EASILY!! There's nothing better than snow falling, a cracklin' fire place, family giggling between each other, the delicious food that everyone worked so hard to prepare, and you can't forget all the wonderful presents! Every year Adam and I trade where to go for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year we spent Thanksgiving in Ohio with the Finnegan Family...and Christmas was spent in Pennsylvania with the McCracken Family (Wow, that felt weird typing McCracken...ahh there it is again! It's been a while since I've typed that one!). Anyway, we got to spend a wonderful time at Uncle Chucky's house Christmas day! Boy, what a great time we had!! We ALWAYS have a good time...check out the pictures below!

Our McCracken Family.
Missing: Doug, Heidi, Caden, Andrew, Kayla.

I requested a silly picture...we are a silly bunch!

Cousin's...Proves the saying--boys are weird.

Sitting around watching football.
(Li'l Willy hanging out with the boys too!)

(Note the Penn State Christmas tree in the right)

Me and Baby Caitlyn.

Haha...chaos getting ready for pictures...

Great Great Grama Sara and Caitlyn Mae!


For Christmas presents this year, everyone was to bring a present. The rules were that the present had to be for a boy or a girl. For example a bag o' chocolates (could be for boy or girl). Or if you decided on something for a boy or girl, you had to write on it who it was for...boy/girl. All the presents were placed on the table and counted up...24 o' them! So next I cut up pieces o' paper with the numbers 1-24 written on them. Everyone had to pick out a number out o' the basket...next we called for #1!! #1 got to pick out whatever present he/she wanted. Then #2 was called, they had the option o' picking out a new present (whichever they want) or steal, steal the present from #1. We went all the way to 24! Let me just tell you that everyone was soo scared to "steal", so they just picked out a normal one!! Guess who the first person was who chose to STEAL?!? YUP..ME!! And the second person to steal?? Adam. Actually funny story...Adam stole Dad's present. What was even more funny, it was the present that Adam brought. He really liked the present he got!
Gathered around for the Present Exchange!

The Present table...lots o' good ones there!

Chucky's pick!!
Chucky didn't see that his said GIRL on it...so it was all girl things! That just made us laugh extremely hard. He loved his presents and started talking with a lisp. HILARIOUS!! He got a necklace with matching earrings, he also got a sunflower decoration to be hung on a door or what not.

...he also got an angle with accessories for each season.

Chucky's necklace and matching earrings.

For some reason no-one wanted to steal from him!

Decker's sweet Irish Shirt present!

Me and Sweet Aunt Gert!

Julie and Mama got the SAME present!! (:
Water...Crystal Light...and a chocolate coin...

Me and Great Grama Sara!!

I had to practically beg to get my picture with her. She HATES her picture taken!! Absolutely HATES her picture taken!! So I better frame this one!!

Playing Games...we LOVE games!
We played Banana-Grams and Golf.

Boys still watching TV!

Me and my brothers...we're silly!

...but I still love them!

Absolutely LOVE being silly...

Me showing everyone my new piccolo!

Haha...Jason and Aunt Juli.
These two were like no-other team that you've ever seen in your life. They worked together at both games and were very cut-throat!! They became such great friends! Ah...they should probably frame this picture!

Me and Kate!!
This picture I actual like o' us!

Uncle Jeff and his favorite sister!! (:

Me and Uncle Jeff!! (:

Uncle Chuck & Aunt Tammy...Our HOSTS!

My Baby!!

BUDDY!!! (cousin)

Haha...Uncle Decker!!

Sweet Aunt Patty!

We just had to do a silly picture!

Me and Uncle Tom!

We are so silly!

Missed the memo about smiling?

LOVE this picture o' us!!

Yeah, McCracken's are a li'l different!


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