We had a McCracken Picnic on Saturday at Edwin & Julie's house over in State College (that is where Penn State is). We thought it would all be fun if we all met at Chuck & Tam's house and road our bikes. So alas we did. It was a decent bike ride. I took lots o' pictures because even though I'm on the back o' a bike, I
still have trouble just sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the ride. So lots o' pictures, a few videos, and many a text were taken/sent. Here are the pictures from the wonderful day! I just love family!!
And we're off!!!
Everyone's all here!
Coming down Gorsuch Road!
Love this picture...it was a cloudy day.We lost Jeff somewhere... ...but he caught up later!
Can you see Julie & Kate & Garrett following us?
Aww...how cute they are!!
I love Chucky's face in this...just smiling away!
Thinking he's all tough cause he's in our gang!
Can you see my reflection in Decker's Helmet?
Our Fearless Leaders...Haha...The bean truck we followed for miles.
Dodging beans that flew off as we rode! Standing up... ...and stretching...
What a Good-Lookin' Crew!
Johnny, (Jesse), Jeff, (Buddy), Ace.
Feet Picture!!It was SOO cold riding! Haha...this is a funny picture!Uncle Chucky & Tam's Feet...
I thought this looked cool! The Leaders o' the Gang.
Taking a Pitt Stop, because...
Johnny had to stop and get gas...
Julie & Kate followed behind.
As we rounded one o' the turns there was a guy on a motorcycle on the side o' the road. We all slowed down to stare him down and low and behold, it was Uncle Tom! He had been waiting for us to drive passed so he could drive the last mile in the "gang"!! Haha...Good thing I have cat-like reflexes when it comes to whipping out my camera!
Uncle Tom waiting to join us.
A li'l bit later, Timmer joined us...Haha...
The ground was wet, so we used bricks to hold the bikes up.
Cody wanted to ride with Tim!
BUDDY... (Cuz)
Uncle Decker...(Uncle..<--Haha)
Caden playing with the spiky ball!
Haha...love this face!
Heidi watching Caden play in the water.
...don't drink...ah never mind...
Don't dump it all over your shir...
...ahhh too late.
The rain water must've been tastie!
Li'l Wayner...
Haha...nice form!
Hey Honey, Can you get me one o' these?
Jeff & Kate getting ready for the 3-hour drive back home.
We stayed for supper.
Ace & Johnny showing off their strength.
I think Heidi needs another one o' these...
G-ma & Jesse take the children for a walk.
Caden and Cody collided....crying & a bruise followed.
Haha...silly Uncle Chucky!
(Please note my mother in the background)
Uncle Chucky & Caity Mae!
Me & Jul Babe...Thanks for everything!
The Palmers...thanks for having us over!
I think Tam wants one, Chucky!
The Fire...
Getting ready to leave...getting all bundled up!
We all gave hugs and kisses and said bye!
Me & Edwin...
We aren't weird at all...just different!
Me & Deckie getting all ready for the ride back.
Tam gave the signal--Let's RIDE!!
Patty and Annie said bye to Tom.
(He would lead us down the road,
then turn around and come back.)
Johnny and Jesse on the FAST bike!
Tom getting in the lead.
Ace all by himself...
On the ride home, we left the Palmer's house and as we were driving home I looked back behind us and Garrett was missing. He drove his truck behind all o' us in case something happened and we needed support or something, he was going to be there to help us out. Well, we got on the road and Garrett was nowhere to be found. So we all pulled over the side o' the road. Uncle Tom was in the lead and we had him pull over to wait.
Waiting on the side o' the road!
Jesse riding on the back o' Johnny's bike.
YEAH!!! There's Garrett!!!
Tim drove up in the truck so Garrett knew where to go.
Finally we could get back on with the RIDE!
We're off...AGAIN!!
Tam gave the "thumbs-up" signaling, let's ride!
Home, here we come...
The evening was getting cool, and I was only wearing a thin jacket. Uncle Tom let me borrow his windbreaker for the ride home. It was HUGE; however, I wasn't complaining, because it was a heck o' a lot warmer than what I would have been. When we were riding home it got all filled up with air that it bloated all up, making me look super gi-nor-mous!! (:
Haha...I look like a snowman!
We were the coolest thing the gas station had every seen, yup, we're that cool!! All o' us lookin' sweet as Chucky & Decker filled up before we headed back over the mountain.
Fillin' up for the ride home.
We really enjoyed spending so much time with the family. Wish they lived a bit closer, but it was a very nice day for a ride. It was very cloudy; however, the rain held off till we got back from our ride. Lunch was delish, family was flippin' fantastic, the cook-out was hot stuff, and the ride was rockin'! Why? Because that's how we roll!!!! (:
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