Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(11.1)--ORIF Surgery

How did it happen?

On August 29
Physical Therapy (PT)
Doing the "butterfly stretch"

Physical Therapist did NOT approve the stretch!!!

As I was pushing my left knee down to the mat with
my left elbow I heard a loud "pop"!

Immediately I felt a sharp, stabbing pain and nauseous.
It happened so quickly.

One o' the physical therapist, who was stretching another patient
on the table beside me, looked up and said, "Was that your leg?"
Uh...YEAH!!! It was! It hurt pretty bad, but I'm a McCracken,
I have to be tough, so I finished out all my exercises.
Robyn told me to decrease my exercise and give it a rest.
The "pop" could have been scar tissue...just need rest, ice, etc...
Eventually, there was no point in going to PT,
Because I couldn't do any o' the exercises.

A month went by and I tried to continue my life-
working and driving
walking up and down stairs
sitting and standing
and I couldn't resist playing in the alumni soccer game.

Finally, Between standing up from the toilet and driving my clutch with my sore leg, the pain was so bad that that was the last straw! I set up an appointment with my surgeon who did my hip surgery. He did an x-ray and sure enough, it was broken! He said it had been broken for a month and I'd just made it worse by doing all my "activities"...and the soccer game didn't really help matters too much.

ORIF Surgery
Open Reduction for an Internal Fracture
November 1, 2011

After the surgery was rough and I was in a GREAT deal o' pain, so the plan was to stay for 23-hour observation. We should all know, Jill doesn't follow the plan!! Haha... I have to be difficult!

Me crying in pain...it was not so fun!

They gave me a spinal...

Uhm...this was WONDERFUL!

My Support System

Aunt Tammy stopping by to give me a hug!

Funny Faces...Our Favorite!

Mt. Nittany's version o' Anti-Embolism Anacondas.
(in English they squeeze tight to prevent blood clots)

Princess Jill
Hospital Dinner was served on their fancy, best china.

Jess always cheers me up...

She got me gorgeous flowers...

On TV was a show on how to fix things around the house.

Concentrating on how to measure things...

The men hard at work...

While the ladies visited with each other...

Rule #1: Always Read the Direction!!

Only Pami Girl would bring CRAZY hats...

Thanks Pami Girl for makin' me smile...

Cody--eyes glued to the tv; Cait--"cheesing";
Me--afraid somebody was going to fall off the chair.
They are so precious...and make me smile.

Look at this face...can I please eat her up?

LOVE this picture o' us.

Please note: Li'l Cait does NOT have her eyebrow pierced.
She actually had to have stitches in her eyebrow.

Kisses for Cait!!!

Trying on Pami's cool hat.

ET Finger that measures heart rate
...or you can press the nurse button...

March 2010 Hospitalization
Breathing thing-a-ma-bob

...Me Copying the picture above...

November 2011 Hospitalization.
Breathing Thing-a-ma-bob

My broken finger nail...
Upper left corner...It actually was very tender.

...look really close...can you see it?

While reading the paper I came across a certain article.
Do you see the coupon 3 for $5?

The one at my finger tips, from:
Tractor Supply Co (TSC)

Is this better?
TSC is where Uncle Chucky works...

He said he could hook me up with some pork femurs!!
Since I broke my femur, figured on buying 3 for $5.

Just in case I need one...or THREE!!

My nurse brought this in and said...
"Your breakfast is served, Miss."

Would you like a crumpet o' sugar?

Now THIS is a BIG berry!!

Rachelle, who I graduated with, lives over in State College. Sometimes after doctor's appointments (and now hospitalizations) are the only times when both o' our schedules jive to get together to do something. Rachelle has just started babysitting a li'l baby girl.

You'll never guess what her name is so...
I will tell you...Finnegan!;---Can you believe that?!?
Just had to get our picture together!

Rachelle said Finnegan is usually scared o' guys/men.
Adam has a way with the women...

After surgery my feet and calves would get crampy and they would need massaged. One o' my nurses (Marsha) would stop by my room and we'd talk while she rubbed my feet and legs. We got to talking about when I coded, was in a coma, and how they told my family to say their, "goodbyes" cause my health was incredibly unstable.

Then we got talking about what would happen if we died, and I told her I would be going to heaven when I died. Told her how I believed that Jesus died on the cross to save sinners. I prayed to ask Jesus to come into my heart and forgive me o' all my sins. It was really cool to share our testimonies with each other.

She told me about this book, "Heaven is for Real" about a li'l boy who had died, went to heaven, met people in heaven, and then told his parents about what had happened. It's very interesting. It was cool and how fun to share our salvation stories with my nurse. I would recommend this book to anybody who is in the hospital a lot. Was able to read the book in an evening...

Here's the Book...Heaven is for REAL!!

My Thank You Note Bookmark

This was the sign on the bathroom...
...it makes me giggle a li'l bit...

Gorgeous flowers from my friend, Jess!

Me walking around like an old lady!!

Surgery went as well as could be expected...for me I guess. Dr. Bader ended up putting in 3 screws in my femur to sport the broken neck o' the femur. It was about a 4 hour surgery, with a 23-hour observation in the hospital. Needless to say...it lasted 3-4 days!! In no time soon though, I will be walking...BRISKLY!!!!


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