Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

28-- CD...S&S Fisher...Family

Altoona Regional Hospital.
June 28, 2010.
Room #1069.

I finally was able to get my very lovely room around 5:30 a.m.! I was thankful again for Alisha spending the wee mornin' hours with me especially when everyone else was not around. I couldn't ask for such a wonderful friend who was willing to give up her night to be an encouragement to me!
Thanks Alisha.
Thanks SO much!


Monday, June 28, 2010.
Stephen & Steph Fisher

The wee hours o' the night had come and gone. Also, I didn't have the hospital lab top. It's so funny how this lap top has picture files on it. The only pictures that are on this computer are hospital pictures. Quite funny, eh? Anyway, I was able to get a hole o' Stephen and Stephanie Fisher to see if they would be willing to bring some things that I needed from the house that I hadn't had time to get in the short time I had to pack all my things. The things that they needed to bring that I needed were:
(1) My Hospital Lap Top.
(2) My Humira Injection.
(3) My Camera Card Reader.

They did such a wonderful job in finding all the things on the list and bringing them up to me. Wow! What great friends! (:
Steph helping me with my injection.

Stephen wishing he did the injection.

Can you find 7 differences between the pictures?

All o' us...We look SO good!

Stephen, Me, & Steph...what are our poses?
*Gas Pain Face*.*Twisted Uterus*.*Kim Kardasheon*

Monday, June 28, 2010.

Justin and Jesse stopped by to visit with me as well and to try to cheer me up. Well, let me just tell you that they did a heck o' a job in completing their assignment! They are such wonderful brothers! (:
The Three o' Us! (:

Me & My Li'l Brudder...MUAH!

Justin & I...Silly Faces!

"Wait, I forgot, my glasses!"

Me & My Daddy!
No, your eyes are not playing tricks with you. My father really did make it to the hospital to visit with me. We all know how much dad doesn't like to travel; however, he was such a great sport about coming down to visit me. We also got together and watched America's Got Talent. We were all dying laughing and it was a great time. I just love my daddy!! (:

(1) Found Retroverted Uterus.
(2) Also showed a Tilted Cervix.
*In English*
Normally the uterus is in a straight vertical position. My uterus is tipped backwards toward the back of my pelvis. The tilted position makes it more prone to rub up against my intestines, making fistulas easier to form.

NORMAL ME (Not So Normal)

Treatment Plan---
~Surgery to reposition the uterus. A uterine suspension can typically reduce the pain experienced. This surgical procedure is used to reposition a tipped uterus from its backward facing position to a forward facing position.
~The UPLIFT procedure is a newer and improved method of performing a uterine suspension. It has been proven to have fewer postoperative complications than other uterine suspension procedures. Uterine repositioning provides lasting pain relief in most cases.
~The "Knee-chest" exercise may help reposition a tipped uterus temporarily. However, this exercise will not be effective if the uterus has become tipped because of endometriosis, fibroid tumors, or pelvic infections.

I also met with the surgeon here at the hospital; however since I'm not the typical "normal" Crohn's Case, he said if there would be any options o' surgery, he'd prefer I get transferred to UPMC.

~I will also be continuing to take the anti-inflammatory medications (Solu-Medrol) three times a day.


27-- CD...In the Studio...Studio

In My Studio...Studio...

Watch this clip from "America's Got Talent" if you would like the rest o' the post to make sense!! (:

Me getting creative with how to tell everyone about my retroverted uterus.
Or...tilted uterus...uterus.

Now...this is Steve & Mine version o' being in the hospital.

We were a bit crazy that's the truth, but we had fun singing this part o' the song over and over again. It makes it funnier when you watch Sponjetta first! (:


27-- Crohn's...ER

Altoona Regional Hospital.
Crohn's Stay.

(*) Emergency Room---
Ace is away in Canadia, so I'm hear all by myself. So good friends o' ours (Billy & Amy Gladfelter) invited us over to their house for supper. We made stuffed shells, garlic bread, salad with the works, and then Muddy Buddies (or some know it as Puppy Chow) for dessert. We ate supper and then it we were going to play Battle o' the Sexes. Who wants to guess who won...the boys? or the girls? Well, about halfway through the game, I started to get sick. Eventually, I needed to get to the ER, the pain was just killing me! So Alisha Hawn decided she would take me up. So we arrived at the ER. Let me just tell you that the people in the ER are weird. A group o' them were naming the fish in the fish tank...a girl was there cause she had an ingrown toenail. She came in after me and got called back before me. Alisha and I felt over dressed in our t-shirts compared to what other people were wearing! (:

After two hours o' waiting, we finally got called back. They did some lab work, then they began to try to get an IV in. Between three nurses (each o' them got two tries), they finally had to get the doctor who was able to place the IV in my neck.
Like my BLING?

Can you guess where they tried?

What about up here?
I didn't get any feet pictures...sorry.

My sister...it was freezing back there.

Nurse Amy...
She couldn't get IV access.

Nurse Donna...
She was SO super sweet.
Wouldn't you know I coached her daughter in gymnastics?

Nurse Kelly
No luck for Kelly either.

So they graciously called in my doctor so that she could try to get it. Alas, seventh time is the charm!! (: I really do like the number seven; however, in this case, three is a better choice.

I am SO thankful for having such a wonderful friend who was willing to sit up in the hospital with me all night till 5 a.m. This girl has really been so wonderful to sit and talk to with. I'm so lucky to have her as a sister! (:
Alisha & I.


Here is the CT Report---

(1) Mild short segment wall thickening o' the terminal ileum in the RLQ.
(2) Thickening o' another short segment o' distal ileum.
*In English* Indicating acute exacerbation o' Crohn's disease.
(3) Possibility o' a stricture.
(4) Prominent RLQ mesenteric lymph nodes with proliferation

Treatment Plan---
~ Prednisone (Steroids) an intense/powerful anti-inflammatory medicine that will help decrease the inflammation caused by the Crohn's exacerbation (flair), as well as help with the possible stricture.
~ They have admitted me so that they could have a closer watch on me. Apparently, I'm not their average "Crohn's Case"! Also, the prednisone that I was on at home wasn't enough, so they have increased it and also decided to use a more powerful level o' the steroids (Solu-Medrol). Hoping they can get ahead o' this whole thing.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

25--Crohn's Update.

Latest Crohn's Update.
June 25, 2010.

So just a quick update for those o' you who wanted to know how my appointment went on Friday. I went to see the doctor with various complaints. He was disappointed to learn how I was doing, especially after just getting out o' the hospital...again. He wanted to admit me; however, I was able to talk him out o' it if and ONLY if I agreed to start some steroids. My energy has been extremely low, there's been extreme fatigue, hair falling out in clumps, tunnel vision, weak legs, and lets not forget the pain.

...side note...sorry, I put this in another paragraph cause this was just me venting....

I'd also like to point out that every time I say, "My hair is falling out." It seems everybody replies, "Oh I shed so bad too!" "Or yeah, mine is really bad too it falls out all the time!" Maybe it's because I'm SO tired right now, but that really makes me mad. I wish for ONE day those people could just stand in my shoes and see the hair in my drain after I take a shower. If it's not cleaned out it clogs the drain. At night, I run a lint brush over where I sleep because in the morning when I get up, it looks like an animal has died in my spot! My hair used to be so thick that I had to buy the HUGE claw clips to hold up my hair...now they barely fit in the li'l ones. When the doctor sawl the picture o' the hair (and the bleeding) he was shocked. It's been really frustrating with work b/c I just havent' felt like I've had much energy to even go to work. I only work up to 5 hour days at a max 2 times a week (that's only 10 hours a week...MAX); however, I still have trouble working that. Add to that the fact that I've been in the hospital in February...the ENTIRE month o' March...Recovering in April...Back in the hosital in May...and here it is June with yet ANOTHER flair. I guess I'm just ready for a break. I'd be happy to take 3 months w/o having to be hospitalized. I'd like to be able to make plans and be able to keep them. Ah well, life goes on, right?

.....ok you can continue reading from here....

So they ended up ordering a bunch o' lab work. I mean like everything from the basic chemistry and blood count to a medicine level o' the medicine that I am taking (which the insurance doesn't cover and it's a $300 test...which we'll just not get that done). They started me on prednisone, which Saturday was my first go around o' steroids, and it's 12:30 a.m. Sunday and I can't seem to get much sleep. Especially since Heidi and Doug left. L-O-N-G night for me.... ): They also ordered 4 pages o' stool studies after I showed the doctor a picture o' the bleeding! Haha...yeah, pooping in a cup! He also recommend that I buy this shampoo that has seemed to help other people that have trouble with their hair falling out. It's only $50 a bottle and you can only get it in beauty salons. I guess we will just cut back on some things. Haha...actually when I told Ace, he said he has heard o' it and he knew that it did work, so that's a good sign! I take back complaining o' how thick my hair used to be! I go back to visit the doctor in a week and a half (when I get back from Ohio...hopefully) and then we shall go from there!

Thank you all for all your love and prayers.

--Jill Will (:


6.25--Besseck Cookout.

Ray & Linda House
June 25, 2010.

Since Ace was gone, the poor bike needed some TLC. Who else to look after her, then Dad. He really enjoyed riding the bike. The night before the wedding the whole family got together for a cook out. Here are some o' the pictures.

Dad being all cool.

Caden wanted a ride.

I think he likes it.

Heidi, Doug, I think Caden needs one o' these.

Caden & Gram.

Bike runs in his blood...

Hang on tight...

How fast does this thing go?

Yup, the life o' the party.

Taking Mama a ride.

What did Dad do before cell phones?

Mama hanging on tight...


25--Championship Game!

Snare's Softball Game
June 25, 2010.

If you have been keeping up with my blog you will remember that we love going to baseball games and softball games in the evening. We've been to many o' the Snare girl's softball games. They do a wonderful job playing and they are really good. They made it into the final game. So I went to the championship game to cheer them on. Even though Ace was already gone at this point, he told me to clap extra for him.

If you want to see the previous post from a previous game check it out here!

Here comes the cheering section!

Jonna & Maddie Cheering.

Jackie & Marissa! I love this picture.

Trevor...eating candy!! (:

Trevor & Ryan.
Patty & Beth in the back.

The Team...in the Huddle!

The Rambunctious, Out-o'-Control Fans.

The Snare Girl's won the game! I think it was 14-8? That I'm not sure o', because I had to leave a li'l early. When I left though, they were winning! We can say a good job to Mike as coach!! Wonderful job to all the girls on the Raystown Realty softball!! YAY!!


23--Last Supper

Saying Goodbye.
June 23, 2010.

May o' you may or may not know, but last year Ace planned to travel up to Canadia with his brother, father, and a motley group o' guys! The evening before the day he was supposed to leave, we decided to spend the evening together. Here are the pictures from our adventure.

On our way to State College...YAY!

On our way to State College, the truck in front o' us started getting slower and slower and then a big puff o' smoke came out o' the back o' it. It was VERY scary! At one point we were scared it would roll back on us!! Haha...what a trip!!
Slow Truck...

Movie Quote: ROADHOUSE!
24 hours from when you read it!
Text answer to: 814.599.5349.

Bucket o' Nuts!

Naked girl running.



Muddy Buddy's/Puppy Chow.
Made 18 cups o' it...WHEW!

I-pod, $money$, and a Passport!

The car all packed...this is it?!?
Oh that's why, he's a guy.

Got Ace a present...in the freezer...

Reece's Cups, Junior Mints, Sour Patch Kids.
(That other thing was a popsicle! (: J/J!)

I was frowning, but then we smiled.

Bye Honey...):

What a sad moment...

A final kiss goodbye!

Getting into the car and leaving...BOO!!

The infamous "Feet Picture"!

I'm sure gonna miss this face.

Bye Honey, see you in 12 days!

Hopefully the days will FLY by. It's going to be a L-O-N-G next 12 days! I got a call from honey while he was driving an he said that the car was missing or jumping weridly from 1st gear, 2nd gear, and third gear. It was fine from 3rd to 4th and from 4th to 5th, but the first couple were a little rough. Then as he was pulling into the "meeting spot" he heard a scrap sound and then a dragging sound. Looking out o' the mirror he sawl that he was dragging a big plastic thing behind the car.

Oh, it gets better...Once they got into the car things only got better. They took turns driving and the ride seemed to start off on a good foot. Well, you should know that they probably then shouldn't have had Ace drive then!

He started driving and he heard from the back seat his father holler out, "Son, you might want to pull over to the side o' the road."

Ace questions, "Why?"

Papa answers back, "Well, the back tire on the trailer just blew and pieces are flying off."

They ended up having to pull off the road, find a car place, only to find the tire was completely worn down and would need to replace. So they ended up spending two hours at the car repair shop while they got tires, brought the tires in from somewhere I believe, and then Cody put the tires on because he's so amazing at car stuff! (: Then they were able to get back onto the road.

The last time I talked to Ace he was fifteen minutes from Canadia, they were a li'l behind schedule but other than the 2-hour delay, they were going to make it to Canadia. I will leave out all the mushy parts and let you know that we said our goodbyes and told each other to write down everything that happened over the days!! I'm sure going to miss my honey!!