Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stitches in Pitt

Adam took off work to take me up to Pittsburgh so that the surgeon could remove my 8 stitches. Oh the excitement! Of course, I had to document our trip!! Here are some o' the pictures that were taken.

Behold, the City o' Pittsburgh.

Getting Closer Now.

My Belly...Stitch FREE!!

Can you count 8 Stitches?

When I was sick, Adam promised to take me to the gardens if I lived...well, got better! So after my stitches were out, we walked like 500 miles to the Gardens. I was worried I wouldn't make it back. It was very tiring.
At the Gardens.

Without the Hat.

All went well!
Stitches were Out.

/\ /\ /\ THE END /\/\/\

Little League Game

Some o' my babysitters that watch me have kids that play sports. So They take me to their games. How fun is that! A newly wed couple that hasn't been married for a year yet, going to other people's kids games.

My camera did this weird thing to me.

Me in my cocoon.

Adam made it to the game too!!

There is this funny story about how wherever I sit, the baseball is hit in my general area. And precisely as foretold...a ball from the Jr. High Baseball game came right at me and hit Ashley right in the head and bounced over the instruction league over the fence. We nominated Julia to retrieve it for us. She obliged, we got pictures.

Jumping OVER the fence.

Grabbing the ball
(Note the li'l kids in the background)

...and jumping back over.

The evening was fun.
We got FREEZING cold.
But we were able to watch the game!

/\/\/\ THE END /\/\/\

Saturday, April 24, 2010


MY Lovely Babysitters.
Recovery Week II

Because I still have trouble doing things for myself, various ladies from the church offer to open up there home to babysit me; while other girls stay at my house and help out with various choirs that I wouldn't normally not be able to complete. I took some pictures o' some various babysitters and some o the fun times that we have had!!

\\\Babysitter Michelle///

Michelle and I go all the way back till 3rd grade through Senior year. She offered to come over and help me out, which was so refreshing to have her help out with different tasks around the house that I have trouble doing or am not allowed to do for another 3-5 weeks!!! YEAH! My honey, Ace, shouldn't have to come home to a house that's dirty. It just makes me feel like I'm a terrible wife...so this was such a blessing!!
She did my dishes...BLESSING!

Vacuumed my carpets...YAY!
Dr. says vacuum is a No-No for me!

Michelle rocking out the green bug glasses!

She even made us supper...AWESOME!!
Chicken da la creme a la Stuffing.

\\\Babysitters Ashley & Jackie.///

They made iced cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

Had trouble setting oven temperature & timer.
Strombolies cooking....

They look SOO yummy!

While Ashley and Jackie were babysitting me, Adam had some more work to finish for the front door, so he worked on that when he got home from work.

First Ace tried on some Irish Apparel.

Working on the trim o' our new door.

Using a sawl to cut the trim.

He's still cutting...
Hope he doesn't cut my coffee table!

After he put up some o' the trip around the side o' the door, he took a break so Ashley could give him a nice warm iced cinnamon roll to eat. While Ace ate, Ashley had a show for him to watch....Haha...this is HILARIOUS!! Please Enjoy!! (:

Ashley's Helium Show For Ace...Enjoy!! (:

/\/\/\THE END/\/\/\

Friday, April 16, 2010

Steps...shower...and the slab!

Friday, April 16, 2010.

I decided to blog this evening; however, there are no pictures in this post. So for those o' you (like my husband) who skim thru the words part if it's not exciting and just look at the pictures...I'm sorry! I know it's been such a long time since I've blogged. Things have been busy, which is weird b/c I don't do ANYTHING. It's so crazy. With my last surgery, I was able to bounce back A LOT sooner and things were a LOT easier as far as the recovery process goes. If any o' you have facebook, you can see from my status updates that I have to have a babysitter whenever Ace leaves. I guess it makes a difference if you were in a coma for 3 days, right?

I was doing better as far as steps go, practically doing them by myself. I just preferred to hold somebody's hand so I don't fall and hurt myself. Yesterday, I did all the steps with Bobbi Jo Gearhart (my babysitter), then went to the Post Office and climbed all those stairs (there are like 15), then went back to her house and climbed up her stairs (probably like 10). When I got home I tried to go up our front porch stairs and felt a really bad pain in my left lower quadrant. So I think I pulled something. This is going to set me back a li'l bit because now people have to help me again up and down the steps. On to a more positive note, I'm doing more by myself now!! YEAH BUDDY!! I can take showers by myself. I can dress myself. Although I've been trying to do more by myself, I still can't bend over if I drop something on the floor. I can pick it up with my toes, bend my leg to my arm, and grab it with my hand. So I can SOMETIMES pick things up from the ground by myself. Oh, and I'm walking a LOT faster. I don't walk like I'm 89 anymore. Although today we went out to eat and I couldn't step up the one step, so I called for Adam to help me. There was a couple in the car watching me like, "What is wrong with that girl who is like 13?" And I SOOO wanted to lift my shirt up to flash them my HUGE scar on my belly and yell, "THIS IS WHY!!" Don't worry for all you wondering...I didn't!!!

On Tuesday (April 20th), Ace will take me to Pittsburgh to the surgeon to get my stitches out! I will also be seeing my GI doctor for my follow-up appointment. Ace was able to take off work so he could go with me, so that was a nice surprise! My appointment is early in the morning so we'll go to the appointment and hopefully Marble Slab will be open and Ace can get some ice cream!! We have a gift card and there are no Marble Slabs around here...only Pittsburgh. So we try to stop every time I have an appointment. They also have Italian Ice for me! (:

I just want you all to know that I'm working on a post o' what I think happened during the coma and the days afterwords. Some o' you may have heard the stories. In my memory, I remember being in water and a psycho girl named Wae-Wae that was trying to attack me. It's just taking a long time b/c everything I remember is SO different. I don't know what's real and what was made up in my drug induced state.

Ok...hope to have more pictures to post later! Hope this will suffice!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Caden's Birthday

Guess Who is ONE?
April 6, 2010

Even after Caden was super sick with bronchiolitis, Doug and Heidi decided to still have the party since all the family was planning on coming. So they drove the 3 hours down to Huntingdon (even though they were really sick themselves) for Caden's First Birthday! He had a chocolate cupcake with icing (the icing was his favorite), while there was Dairy Queen ice cream cake for the rest o' us (I had a few pretzels). It was so good to have all the family together in one place! Ah...what a great time we had!

Caden stuffing his face.

Look at his dirty feet!

He thoroughly enjoyed the cake!

Dougie thinking about cleaning UP the mess!

Caden was willing to share
His cake with Auntie Jillie!

He's such a happy baby!!
See his three teeth?

Cody had a cup o' ice water. He could also pretty clearly say, "water". So he went over to Uncle Chucky and said, "Water!" So Chucky got up, filled up his cup, and Cody went on his way. Then one minute later Cody came back with an empty cup, went back to Uncle Chucky, and said, "Water." This cycle went on about 6 or 7 times. Then we figured out what was going on. Cody would go around holding the water up for "daddy" to take a sip, then walk over and hold it up for "mommy" to take a sip (from whatever hadn't spilled over the porch), then he'd walk up to "grammy" and have her take a sip, then he'd walk back to Uncle Chucky and ask for more water.
"More Water, please"

This is a video o' Cody giving Grammy a kiss.
You can also here him say "water"!! Haha...

Cody giving Caden Kisses!


Heidi's more excited than Caden!

Cody liked Caden's presents.

Chewing on a basketball present.

Think Cody is jealous.

See...he LOVES John Deere!!

MONEY!!!! Caden will probably buy shoes!

Caden walking...

Jumping on the Tramp w/Uncle Johnny.

Caden keeps hitting himself in the head with the soccer ball. After he opened up that soccer ball present, it didn't leave his hands for the rest o' the evening.

He LOVED it!!

Here's the video o' him jumping w/Uncle Johnny.

The Stewart Family...

It was great to visit with family.
(Dad was showing off his new gun!)

Dirty Feet!!

Me & Jul Babe!!

Uncle Chucky, Me, & Aunt Tam

Silly Faces!!

Breathing Treatment Time.

Caden has been really sick since last week. The one night he woke up coughing, Doug and Heidi went into his room, and he stopped breathing for a few seconds!! It was really scary!! They took him to the ER. The doctor gave him prednisone and he has to do breathing treatments with medication. Poor li'l guy. Heidi has to hold him down while Doug holds the mask on him.

It's a whole family affair.

"Help Me!"--Caden
"I understand completely!"--ME

Poor li'l guy!! He cried so hard!

Caden's FAVORITE present!

Mom and Dad's Juniata College student from China, Dianne came to the party and bought Caden this Blue's Clue balloon. Caden LOVED it!! (:

Caden says, "Thanks Dianne!"

I can't believe that Caden is one year old. Long ago I would constantly ask Heidi, "When are you going to have a baby?" "Can I be an Aunt yet!" "Are you pregnant?" Finally in frustration, Heidi said, "When you get a boyfriend, I'll have a baby!!" What does that tell you about me and boys? Hmmm? So the summer I met Adam, after our first awkward motorcycle encounter, we actually talked to each other. I told him that we could pretend to date (since he lived SO far away), he would just email me words, and I would fill in the rest. Anyway, we kept in touch and then in March when I announced that I was "dating"....5 months later Heidi announced she was preggers!! Funny how that works!! (:

Oh, this last video is Caden saying bye...I figured it should be the last thing on the post! (: