Friday Night...Day 1.
We spent Friday night in the Altoona ER. Surprisingly it only took two nurses and three tries to get my IV. Although this spot is not ideal, it worked. We will see how long this lasts, cause every time the elbow bends more than 1/8 o' an inch my IV machine starts beeping and blinking "occlusion". Yeah for the nurse!
My Lovely IV.
(Please note Ace holding my hand.)
(Please note Ace holding my hand.)
Me & the CT drink...BLAA!!!
February 27, 2010.
Saturday...Day 2.
It just so happens that my first full day in the hospital was Saturday, the day everyone comes to Altoona to get things done! My first guests Dan & Jackie Yingling, had just been visited by ME while DAN was in the hospital. Funny story how in less than a week, they were already returning the favor!! Haha... They were up in Altoona doing some grocery shopping and other errands that they needed to run. They stopped off at the store to get me a small bag o' candy (Double Flavor, Jolly Ranchers). Here are the pictures from their visit:
The three o' us. Isn't this a GREAT picture.
Jackie, Dan, Me.
Jackie, Dan, Me.
So this picture is particularly funny because we didn't know what we were all going to do. The "signature Dan pose" is the hat on sideways with a BIG smile on his face. Jackie was giving Dan "bunny ears" and I was giving Dan "antler ears"...isn't it funny how it was "let's do a silly picture" so we both gave Dan ears (bunny/antler). Haha...
Gotta have a silly picture.
Look! They brought me candy!!
Gotta have a feet picture.
Can you guess who is who in this picture?
It was seriously seconds after Dan & Jackie walked out o' my room that Jillian and Becky walked in! nice to see more smiling faces, and these faces both got their hair cut! They both came up to Altoona to do some shopping, eat (I think), and get all their hair chopped off! I think they look younger; however, someone told Jill she looked older. So we are going to vote: OLDER or YOUNGER? What do you think?
Does their new haircut make them look:
Older??? or Younger???
Older??? or Younger???
YEAH...another Feet Picture!!!
*Gasp*...more candies!!!
What great friends God blessed me with.
It's a li'l blurry...but we're still gorgeous!
Having all these friends come and visit me on my first full day at the hospital was SO encouraging. Thanks to all my friends that came to visit me and cheer me up! So where was my hubby thru all this? Ace had to work at a YBC Contractor show in State College. He left me at 12 and didn't return back to my room till late late that evening. We both fell asleep, cuddled together. Around midnight, I woke up crying in pain. So I buzzed for the nurse to bring me my pain shot. She walked in, gave my my shot, and this next part is blurry, but I sawl the nurse walking Ace out o' the room. He never came back. I woke up in the a.m. and sawl that Ace was still gone...maybe he slept in the car? Nope, the keys were on the shelf. At 11 when Ace came back to the room he told me what happened. The nurse told Ace he couldn't stay with me in the room, so they took him to the lounge where he spent the rest o' the night with his legs dangling off the couch. night, right?
UPDATE: The Doctor never came to visit at ALL! Not sure why he never stopped by on today (Saturday). Hopefully he will stop by tomorrow (Sunday). Just want some answers! Sick o' hearing the same thing..."We don't know what to do!" "Never seen this before in my life!" Ugh...answers or progress would be nice!
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