I'm not sure why I am having such a hard time keeping my days straight, but today feels like Tuesday to me. Maybe b/c all o' the days sort o' run together. Sunday my friend Lindsay texted me and told me that she was planning on stopping by for a visit. All day I was SO excited for her to come by. When I was in the Altoona Hospital about a year ago, Lindsay was one o' my nurses. She was super sweet, we clicked right away, and became fast friends. Here's the funny thing, Lindsay and I have never hung out outside o' the hospital. Whenever I'm in the hospital however, she has ALWAYS stopped by and visited me. When I'm out o' the hospital, we try to get together, we can never seemto get our schedules to jive. So when she stopped by, she really cheered me up and it was good to hear about her recent engagement and wedding plans.
Lindsay & Me.
Gotta have a silly picture.
Do I have a fever? Better Check.
Here are some picture from last time I was in the hospital and Lindsay was my nurse. This was when we first met each other and decided to become friends. It seems like oh so long ago. Wow!
Me & Lindsay.

/\/\/\ Prison Friends /\/\/\
As always, having visitors and friends stopping by really helps keep my spirits up. I got an unexpected surprise when two o' my friends that I work with at SCI-Huntingdon decided to stop by for a quick visit. It was so good to see them, they filled me in on everything at work. How thoughtful o' them to drop by and cheer me up. What great friends I am blessed with!
Justin, Me, & Scott.
/\/\/\ My Secret Stash /\/\/\
Throughout the day when they bring me my food, I will stash some o' the food in the 2nd drawer o' my broken night stand in hopes that if Ace gets hungry while he is up here he can have lots o' food to choose from to snack on and eat. Dietary puts food on my tray, but my stomach isn't really feelig the whole "food" thing yet. So dietary told me they'd put a Carnation Instant Breakfast (CID) drink on every tray, and I needed to make sure to drink at least that for every meal. So I usually drink my CID, and maybe a few sips o' soup or something, and the rest all gets stashed in the secret stash drawer.
Me drinking my CIB...Yuck!
I specifically ordered chocolate cake for Ace,
b/c I knew it was his FAVORITE! (:
b/c I knew it was his FAVORITE! (:
Snack Time:
Chocolate Ice Cream & Raspberry Water Ice.
Chocolate Ice Cream & Raspberry Water Ice.
I love this guy...
It's another end to a long day. Towards the evening, I was running a high fever, lots o' trips to the bathroom, and just in a lot o' pain. The doctor never stopped in today, so maybe some good news tomorrow. I'm still in the process o' trying to get a hold o'my doctor and surgeon out in Pittsburgh to try to find out when they recommend surgery and stuff. I have to decide if I want to have the surgery before/around Christmas time and possibly miss my first married Christmas with my new family...OR...if I want to spend Christmas with the family high on drugs and then surgery right after Christmas. So please continue to pray for wisdom as we have some VERY important decisions to make here in the next few days. Also, a VERY special thanks to all those who have made a special effort to stop by and visit me. I want you all to know how much o' an encouragement that is to me, it really means SO much. So Thank You!
awww! jill! i feel so bad for u :( i've been following your "case" especially as of recent and feel so bad you have to be in there and the holidays are coming right around the corner! you have such a sweet peppy attitude always, though. i HAD to comment about the raspberry ice - when i spent a summer in the hospital on the clear liquid diet i probably ate a couple hundred of those! okay, maybe that's an exaggeration ;) but i LOVED them! haha! you're in my prayers.
ReplyDeletewish I was close enough to visit. :(
ReplyDeletePlease know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Praying that you'll get better quick and for wisdom to know what to do about your surgery.