Encouraging Words

"Rejoice Evermore!" ---I Thessalonians 5:16

"God sends the rain into your life so you can enjoy the beauty o' HIS rainbow!" --- Jill McFinnegan (:

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

7.3--Chicken BBQ

--July 3, 2012--
CIBC Chicken BBQ

So apparently I need to cut back on those twinkies!!

Can you see the bow in the picnic table?

I know it's sideways...but here's a shot at the program.

My Take-Home Plate... (:

How did my father function before his cell phone?

Me and my li'l buddy Weston!!

Jess...this girl is awesome!!

JOOOYCEEEE!!  How cute!!!

We all look like we could be related!!

First fireworks o' the night...
I love these ones....

They all kinda look the same...

GREEN....My favorite color!!!! (:


The Grand Finale!!!!!

The food, fellowship, and fun was fantastic.  It was even a gorgeous evening for all the festivities.  I'm very thankful for such a wonderful church to celebrate the birth o' our wonderful country!  

Happy 4th o' July to everyone! ...even though this is late!!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

6.30--Babysitting Mr. Snuggles

*June 30, 2012*

 My brother, Johnny, who originally lived in Grove City decided he was going to move back to Huntingdon.  Until he can find an apartment and a place for his sweet, ball Python, Mr. Snuggles, we are snake-sitting for him.  He's such a great snake and only eats every 3-4 weeks.  That's my kind o' baby!!! (:

Isn't he a dollface?

One o' my gymnasts (Ollie) was visiting her friend (Ha-Mi), which just happens to be my neighbor down the street.  Ollie and Ha-Mi decided to stop by and visit to see Mr. Snuggles.

I must also say...Ollie has a phobia o' worms...so snakes render this girl catonic!!

She was not too sure about it...

She actually was able to touch it...baby steps!!

Sweet Mr. Snuggles...

She was having second thoughts...

Mr. Snuggles checking out Ollie up close...

Ha-Mi wasn't scared at all...

The girls, the snake, and the honey!!

Mr. Snuggles getting snuggly with Ace.

She was so brave and overcame her fear!

I'm so proud o' you, Ollie!! (:
 "Check out my new scarf!"

It was great to have visitors, even if they just wanted to visit Mr. Snuggles...