After walking through the trail, we sawl this sign...
...apparently it was a PRIVATE DRIVE...whoops!

We are HERE!

Nittany Mountain...
We will conquer you!

Pretty water fall in the leaves...

Johnny striking a pose...

"Look!" I say, "a Bear track!"

Lindsay and Johnny taking a "rest"!
(They were waiting for me to catch up to them!)

Halfway up the mountain!!

Lindsay's shoes are on MY feet.
Johnny's wearing the big steel toed shoes.
Lindsay's wearing her roommate's shoes.

The sight from looking up!

Here's the view.

Adam's out there somewhere!

Do you see the Penn State Stadium!
GOOOO Penn State!!
YEAH...I win!!

Lindsay and I...I just love this woman!

YEAH!! We have conquered the Mount! romantic!! (:

Look how big our shoes are?!

See that acorn?
...our entertainment for the next hour!

First one to hit the acorn with a rock!
Johnny's attempt...MISS!

Lindsay & Johnny trying...

If at first you don't succeed...keep on trying.

You can see from this picture...Lindsay hit it!

Johnny got mad because Lindsay and I both hit the acorn. So he got mad, walked half-way down the mountain, and tried again!
He tried to get closer.


We picked a new target... was a sign...Can you see it?

We had to pick out the "perfect" rock.

Johnny picking out his "perfect" rock.

It was a li'l chilly out...
...and my name is Jilly!

Me showing Johnny how it's done!

Do I throw like a girl?

Which stone will work?

Taking turns...

Who will hit the sign first?

Some QT with the brother!

Johnny trying to to it sitting down.

See all the dirt marks from our "misses".

Lindsay hugged Johnny so he wouldn't throw rocks at me.

Can you see where the rocks were we used?

Ah...the Milk Jug!!
Guess who was the first to hit it?

Warming up for this great move...

The L-Seat!!

Following the Leader...ME!

I think somebody lived here...

WE took the road less traveled by. was very very steep...

Right after Lindsay fell...

Her butt got muddy...

Johnny picked me out a walking stick.

What a kind brother, he is...

It was too big, so he broke it in half... I have TWO walking sticks!

Johnny, Lindsay, and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail a water
Lindsay fell down and broke her crown,
and Jill came tumbling after!

Our muddy spots...elbow and butt...

So happy to get back on the REAL path!

Walking to the car...

Never been happy to see the car.

Then we played Rummikub at Lindsay's house.

Next we played, Imagine If...
This question was for Jesse... which one would you pick?

Johnny and Lindsay settling an issue...wrestling!!

More wresting...

Then Adam showed up from his meeting, and we all went out to eat for supper! What a grand time we had! I love spending time with family!! Also, my leg muscles were sore for days after that hike. It'll be a while before we do that again...and maybe we will all have the proper shoes for hiking! (:...apparently it was a PRIVATE DRIVE...whoops!
We are HERE!
Nittany Mountain...
We will conquer you!
Pretty water fall in the leaves...
Johnny striking a pose...
"Look!" I say, "a Bear track!"
Lindsay and Johnny taking a "rest"!
(They were waiting for me to catch up to them!)
Halfway up the mountain!!
Lindsay's shoes are on MY feet.
Johnny's wearing the big steel toed shoes.
Lindsay's wearing her roommate's shoes.
The sight from looking up!
Here's the view.
Adam's out there somewhere!
Do you see the Penn State Stadium!
GOOOO Penn State!!
Lindsay and I...I just love this woman!
YEAH!! We have conquered the Mount! romantic!! (:
Look how big our shoes are?!
See that acorn?
...our entertainment for the next hour!
First one to hit the acorn with a rock!
Johnny's attempt...MISS!
Lindsay & Johnny trying...
If at first you don't succeed...keep on trying.
You can see from this picture...Lindsay hit it!
Johnny got mad because Lindsay and I both hit the acorn. So he got mad, walked half-way down the mountain, and tried again!
He tried to get closer.
We picked a new target... was a sign...Can you see it?
We had to pick out the "perfect" rock.
Johnny picking out his "perfect" rock.
It was a li'l chilly out...
...and my name is Jilly!
Me showing Johnny how it's done!
Do I throw like a girl?
Which stone will work?
Taking turns...
Who will hit the sign first?
Some QT with the brother!
Johnny trying to to it sitting down.
See all the dirt marks from our "misses".
Lindsay hugged Johnny so he wouldn't throw rocks at me.
Can you see where the rocks were we used?
Ah...the Milk Jug!!
Guess who was the first to hit it?
Warming up for this great move...
The L-Seat!!
Following the Leader...ME!
I think somebody lived here...
WE took the road less traveled by. was very very steep...
Right after Lindsay fell...
Her butt got muddy...
Johnny picked me out a walking stick.
What a kind brother, he is...
It was too big, so he broke it in half... I have TWO walking sticks!
Johnny, Lindsay, and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail a water
Lindsay fell down and broke her crown,
and Jill came tumbling after!
Our muddy spots...elbow and butt...
So happy to get back on the REAL path!
Walking to the car...
Never been happy to see the car.
Then we played Rummikub at Lindsay's house.
Next we played, Imagine If...
This question was for Jesse... which one would you pick?
Johnny and Lindsay settling an issue...wrestling!!
More wresting...