Sorry, I didn't get any pictures o' our first meet; however, here are some pictures from our second meet. The meet was obviously Hollidaysburg vs. Huntingdon...AT Huntingdon. Here are the pictures. My camera got passed around and various pictures were taken. Enjoy!! (:
Me & Sydney (my adopted daughter).
Ah...Casey (NAB).
Nia & KiKi.
Nia messed up her knee so she can't compete, & KiKi comes to ALL o' the meets to support her older sister, Bri. They love cheering for the girls. See how happy and full o' cheer-i-ness they are? Wouldn't you want them cheering for you?
Told ya, they are AWESOME!!!
Kira & Alex.
(Michaela, Niko, & Nia in the back)
(Michaela, Niko, & Nia in the back)
Alex & Bri (one o' our Seniors).
Coach Mel & Bri.
Coach Ashlee.
I love how that girl on the right is looking up at her like she is so crazy. Haha...this picture just cracks me up. Don't worry the meet was over, so she was allowed to talk on the phone.
The fans after the meet waiting for the scores.
Kara-My Young Grasshopper.
You see, Kara asked for private coaching classes for tumbling. After a summer o' privates, she was recruited to B-Team. Yup, that's my li'l grasshopper. (: I'm SO proud o' her!! This was her first meet.
The Ging!
Cause she's THAT amazing.
Back-Tuck off Beam.
Our GORGEOUS Head Coach, AMY!
Jennie B & Me.
(Hey, that rhymes!)
(Hey, that rhymes!)
Nia & Me.
(Does that rhyme too?)
(Does that rhyme too?)
Leigh Ann & Me.
(She's my li'l buddy.)
(She's my li'l buddy.)
I missed the memo about "silly faces"!
Sydney & Nia.
My other buddy, Maggie!
The Whole Team.
After the meet a group o' us all decided to go out to eat at Hoss's. The group was: Kara (and her family); Kira (and her family); Alex and Tori (and their family); Nia; Coach Ashlee, Me, and Adam. It was a great time together after the meet. Oh and I wrote my name in those awesome Chinese Noodle things. B/c they are so DELISH!!!
(Cause I'm that cool!)
(Cause I'm that cool!)
So do you wanna know who won the meet? Here are the final scores:
Huntingdon B-Team Score..........
Hollidaysburg B-Team Score......
Huntingdon A-Team Score.........
Hollidaysburg A-Team Score.....
So that's right...WE WON!!!